The Hidden Almanac

The Hidden Almanac

Interesting "Facts" every M-W-F

Posts filed under 2015

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-09-04

Today we remember the trial of the heroic Elizabeth Dorn. It is also the day the waterfinch was first described. It is the Feast Day of St. Mona, and in the garden, there are copy-editors. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-09-02

Today we recount the day raccoons invaded the city. It is the Feast Day of the Fallow Fields, and in the garden, there are legumes. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-08-31

Today we abstractly mourn the loss of Doc Brightey, famed salesman. It is the Feast Day of The Dragonfly Swarm, and in the garden, George wants attention. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-08-28

Today the trial of the designer Eric von Awning by the Librarian Prince began. It is the Feast Day of St. Bartholomew of Wide, and in the garden, there is lantana. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-08-26

Today is the birthday of Mickey the Giant, a showman of considerable skill. It is the Feast Day of St. Olivia, and in the garden, there are fewer beans. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-08-24

Today is the day the Voluntary Starvation Experimental Study was released. It is also the day snow fell in Echo Harbor. It is the Feast Day of St. Martin, and in the garden, there are weeds. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-08-21

Today we remember the publication of the book “The Dreamless People.” It is the Feast Day of St. Salmandra, and in the garden, there are rain lilies. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-08-19

Today we remember the impact a tree had on local law. It is the Feast Day of Feast Days, and in the garden, there continue to be beans. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Alamanc for 2015-08-17

Today we remember the publication of a very long song. It is the Feast Day of St. Concertus, and in the garden, there is a dead bee. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2015-08-14

Today is the day the Highland Cattle Killer was found. It is the Feast Day of St. Wallace, and in the garden, there are ornamental peppers. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS