The Hidden Almanac

The Hidden Almanac

Interesting "Facts" every M-W-F

The Hidden Almanac for 2013-12-23

Today is birthday of Jack “Fatfinger” Henkel. It is also the anniversary of the Sausage Uprising and the day the White Boar Whiskey Distillery burned. Today is the Feast Day of St. Joan, and in the garden, we review kohlrabi.

Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble,

2 Responses to The Hidden Almanac for 2013-12-23

  1. I must remember St. Joan, I use the wrenches at least once a week. If nothing else it may help me figure out which set I need to use with out getting frustrated. Metric or Standard.

  2. Curiously enough, the Sausage Uprising has produced one lasting culinary legacy.

    Chinchilla Soppresata with Crystallized Juniper Berries is still considered a great delicacy in certain Transtroezantine mountain villages. 7@=Q


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