The Hidden Almanac

The Hidden Almanac

Interesting "Facts" every M-W-F

The Hidden Almanac for 2019-01-02

Is is on this day that a Professor from the Ravencoast School of Divinity visits a colleague who has been incarcerated.

Be Safe, and Remember: You Are Not Alone.

3 Responses to The Hidden Almanac for 2019-01-02

  1. The “Woo!” is back!

  2. Imagine what would have happened if he’d disturbed George!
    Oh, the “woo!” is back, goodie gumdrops.

  3. Welcome back! We hope that the Ravencoast School of Divinity can be, er, persuaded to find an amicable resolution to this particular matter. Before….things….start happening. Purely coincidentally, of course. They would be well advised to stay out of the garden (particularly the hellebores), and to remember that George is NOT an appropriate witness to question.

    Oh, and woo! to the return of the woo!


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