The Hidden Almanac

The Hidden Almanac

Interesting "Facts" every M-W-F

The Hidden Almanac for 2016-09-05

Today, Drom and I report from the tunnels of the Mole People. The Fathers’ influence is troubling, and the implications for inter-species relations dire. As is Drom’s singing.

Be Safe, You Are Not Alone.

2 Responses to The Hidden Almanac for 2016-09-05

  1. At least it wasn’t “You’re Happy and You Know it (Say the Archons)”… 7X=Q

  2. I’ve recently been relistening to the old episodes, and I gotta say, the show has evolved and improved A LOT. Kevin has really grown into the role as reverend Mord whereas in the beginning he sounded more like just himself doing a radio voice. The added acting chops is really adding to the story. Ursula as well is getting really good at comedic delivery and the back and forth between Drom and Mord is becoming one of the most entertaining things with the show.


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