The Hidden Almanac

The Hidden Almanac

Interesting "Facts" every M-W-F

The Hidden Almanac for 2016-03-07

Today two professors from the Ravenscoast School of Divinity prepare to begin their decent into the Tomb of the Librarian Prince.

Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble.

5 Responses to The Hidden Almanac for 2016-03-07

  1. [sigh]
    I miss card catalogs.

    When I used a card catalog, when flipping through the cards to find my desired item, I would almost invariably come across something I wasn’t looking for but struck a chord or my fancy. Anyway, it struck something, and in a good way.

    With computer searches, this serendipity is wholly lacking. I type in what I am searching for, and I find it (or not, if it doesn’t exist) — no unexpected discoveries.

  2. Was the outro supposed to go on that long after the credits?

    • It did not. It has been corrected.

  3. Really? When I do computer searches, I generally search by keyword or author instead of specific titles, and I find lots of other things I want to check out in the process (as well as what I’m looking for). There’s also finding interesting things on the same shelves. Mind, the last time I saw a real card catalog was in elementary school, and I hated it because it was taller than I was so I couldn’t always reach the drawer I wanted.

  4. Er… frig. That was meant to be a response. The “Respond to this” button apparently did nothing.


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