The Hidden Almanac

The Hidden Almanac

Interesting "Facts" every M-W-F

The Hidden Almanac for 2013-10-23

Today marks the passing of the second of the Hateful Decrees. It is also the birthday of the poet Gustavus Savoricus. It is the Feast Day of St. Lafferty, and in the garden, the wooly bears are making themselves known.

Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble.

3 Responses to The Hidden Almanac for 2013-10-23

  1. St. Lafferty may also be the patron saint of bedwetters… which also seems to go with slumber parties for the five-to-eight year old set…

  2. I am just wondering what wooly bears would want.

  3. I’ve only had echidna stilton before. I wonder how platypus stilton compares….


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