The Hidden Almanac

The Hidden Almanac

Interesting "Facts" every M-W-F

Archive for May 2014

The Hidden Almanac for 2014-05-07

Today marks the creation of a terrarium. It is also the anniversary of the publication of “The Weeping Doom,” and the new dress code in the Navy. It is the Feast Day of St. Caprus, and in the garden, there are trees. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2014-05-05

Today marks the victory at the Battle of Lizardstick. It is also the day a crime wave swept the city. It is the Feast Day of St. Audrey, and in the garden, there are lilies. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS

The Hidden Almanac for 2014-05-02

It was on this day that Jacob Crumb was arrested. It is the first day of the Sausage Uprising, and the birthday of the Duchess of Ellensburg. It is the Feast Day of St. Sedum, and in the garden, there is mulch. Be Safe, and Stay Out of Trouble. DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS